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Manila to Davao on a Folding Bike

My work has taken me to (almost) every major city in the Philippines.




From as far North as Aparri to as far South as General Santos City. Being a member of the United Folding Bikers group, I feel it as an obligation to promote cycling as an alternative form of personal transport, not only because I have loved cycling all my life but the sheer joy of riding has made my work and my cycling passion work together.



A typical 10am Davao flight for me would be like this…

Leave the house at about 7am and head to NAIA 3 Terminal, which would take me about a little under two (2) hours (I used to take the MRT, before it has turned into the hopeless mode of transport that it is now), get to the to Arrival gate (theres an entrance and access to the Departure area on the rightmost part of the building so you don’t have to bike up the Departure ramp).

Then I fold and pack my bike, amidst all the amazement and bewilderment of passers-by, head straight to the bathroom (just below the escalator after the entrance), wash the face and extremities and go up to the departure area on the 2nd floor, check in my bike and head off to the terminal area. First part done.

Then I basically get on board, fly and land in Davao.

Then I wait for the luggage carousel to spit out my bike, bring it outside and unpack my bike, reinflate the tires with my Dahon Postpump, roll up my Dahon travel bag and just ride to the hotel, again amidst the oohs and aahs of all the people waiting for taxicabs on the curb. I’m in the hotel in about 10 minutes.

I will gladly do this for all my travels in exchange of this…
