Cheers and Chapeau!

It has been a great honor writing for the United Folding Bikers blog website for the past two years. I would like to thank Byron Villegas for inviting me to this opportunity to share my growing love for cycling. Also, my thanks go out to all the readers that have followed this blog through. You’ve been a great audience, and I hope I have helped you in your cycling journeys even in some small way.

The last thing I want to do is to monopolize the writing duties for this website. That said, I would like to hand over the reins to other members, and let them share their own cycling experiences.

For my part, I will continue my cycling stories – this time, on my own blog. If you feel like following my back wheel as I share more stories from the saddle, do head on over to The Accidental Randonneur.

Cheers and chapeau! Keep on riding, friends.

TypeVertigo / JM de Leon

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